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wilful a. 故意的;恶意的;蓄意的;以邪恶意图、不良动机或目的实施的;放任的;非法的;不具有合法理由或根据的 wilful, willful分别是英国英语〔BrE〕与美国英语〔AmE〕的正确拼法。如果一项行为是自愿地和有意地实施的,并伴有实施为法律禁止的行为的特定意图,或伴有不实施为法律所要求的行为的特定意图,则该行为即构成「故意」作为或不作为。换言之,系指以不良目的积极地违反或消极地漠视法律。该词含义广泛,其具体解释或界定通常受语境的影响。具体而言:1美国《破产法典》第523条「免责的例外」规定,由于债务人给他人或他人财产故意的、恶意的损害而引起的债务,不能免责。此处所谓的「故意的」,是指以蓄意的〔deliberate〕或有意的〔intentional〕心理状态实施的行为是造成损害所必要的;2在美国《国内税收法典》中,故意不履行从僱员处代扣代缴所得税和社会保险税义务的行为将被处以刑罚。此处所谓的「故意的」,是指自愿的〔voluntary〕、明知的〔conscious〕和有意的〔intentional〕;3根据美国《模范刑法典》,如果一个人在其实施一项犯罪行为之时,对该犯罪行为的实质性要件已经知晓,除非有更进一步的条件要求,该行为即属于「故意」实施的。在刑法上,该词通常系指一项行为是缺乏法定免责理由的,或是恶意实施的,或是固执地、故意敌对地实施的;4在民诉中,通常被解释为一项行为是有意的〔intentional〕、明知的〔knowing〕或自愿的〔voluntary〕,以区别于意外的〔accidental〕。

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holding over

holding over (1)逾期占有 指承租人在承租期届满后继续占有土地。如果其占有违背土地所有人的意思,则其属于土地侵占人〔trespasser〕;但如其占有经过土地所有人同意,则其成为任意承租人〔tenant at will〕或容忍承租人〔tenant at sufferance〕。 (2)(期满后的)留任;留用 指政府官员在任期届满后,由于再次当选或被再次任命,或因其继任者所需而继续履行其职责。

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tradename. 1. A name, style, or symbol used to distinguish a company, partnership, or business (as opposed to a product or service); the name under which a business operates. • A tradename is a means of identifying a business — or its products or services — to establish goodwill. It symbolizes the business’s reputation. [Cases:

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coterellus (kot-[schwa]-rel-[schwa]s). [Law Latin] Hist. A serf who inhabits a cottage; a servile tenant whose person, issue, and goods are at the disposal of the lord. — Also spelled coterell. Cf. COTARIUS. “Coterellus…. A cottager. Considered by Spelman and others, the same with cotarius. But Cowell makes the distinction that the cotarius had free socage

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shall, vb. 1. Has a duty to; more broadly, is required to (the requester shall send notice) (notice shall be sent). • This is the mandatory sense that drafters typically intend and that courts typically uphold. [Cases: Statutes 227. C.J.S. Statutes §§ 362–369.] 2. Should (as often interpreted by courts) (all claimants shall request mediation).

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espousals ([schwa]-spow-z[schwa]lz), n. Mutual promises between a man and a woman to marry one another. [Cases: Breach of Marriage Promise 4–5. C.J.S. Breach of Marriage Promise §§ 5–6.] “Espousals were of two kinds: sponsalia per verba de futuro, which take place if man and woman promise each other that they will hereafter become husband and

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anthropometry n. (刑法学)(法医学)人体测量学 用绝对及相对比例的方法对人体的尺寸——面部的、头部的及其他角度的,骨骼大小、形状等——进行测量,并与他人之相应测量结果作比较,以在对身份产生怀疑或争议时,进行主体鉴别。1883年在法国引用后,广为采纳,但又因过于昂贵且易出错而受到冷落,终让位于佛郎西斯·高尔顿〔Francis Galton〕设计的「指纹」〔finger print〕制度及DNA测试鉴别程序。 (→Bertillon system; DNA identification)

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