Search Results for: ILL


member. 1. Parliamentary law. One of the individuals of whom an organization or a deliberative assembly consists, and who enjoys the full rights of participating in the organization — including the rights of making, debating, and voting on motions — except to the extent that the organization reserves those rights to certain classes of membership. […]

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autolimitation, n. An authority’s establishment of rules that, in effect, limit the authority’s own power. — auto-limit, vb. “The theory of Jellinek (Allgemeine Staatslehre), so far as the writer understands it, is not an explanation either. In his view something which he calls the State, not defined, but, as it seems, a group of persons,

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restraint of trade

restraint of trade. 1. A limitation on business dealings or professional or gainful occupations. 2. Antitrust. An agreement between or combination of businesses intended to eliminate competition, create a monopoly, artificially raise prices, or otherwise adversely affect the free market. • Restraints of trade are usu. illegal, but may be declared reasonable if they are

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