Search Results for: UNLAWFUL


prohibition. 1. A law or order that forbids a certain action. 2. An extraordinary writ issued by an appellate court to prevent a lower court from exceeding its jurisdiction or to prevent a nonjudicial officer or entity from exercising a power. — Also termed (in sense 2) writ of prohibition; (in Scots law) inhibition. Cf.

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lucri causa

lucri causa (loo-krIkaw-z[schwa]). [Latin] For the sake of gain. • Lucri causa was formerly an essential element of larceny, but today the thief’s intent to deprive the possessor of property is generally sufficient. See LARCENY. “ ‘Lucri causa’ literally means for the sake of gain. On rare occasions the suggestion has been made that no

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terrorism, n. The use or threat of violence to intimidate or cause panic, esp. as a means of affecting political conduct. See 18 USCA § 2331. See also terroristic threat under THREAT; terrorism insurance under INSURANCE. [Cases: Extortion and Threats 25. C.J.S. Threats and Unlawful Communications §§ 2–20.] — terrorist, adj. & n. cyberterrorism. Terrorism

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affray ([schwa]-fray). The fighting, by mutual consent, of two or more persons in some public place, to the terror of onlookers. • The fighting must be mutual. If one person unlawfully attacks another who resorts to self-defense, the first is guilty of assault and battery, but there is no affray. — Also termed fray. Cf.

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de averiis captis in withernamium

de averiis captis in withernamium (dee [schwa]-veer-ee-is kap-tis in with-[ schwa]r-nay-mee-[schwa]m), n. [Law Latin “for taking cattle in withernam”] Hist. A writ directing a sheriff to detain a defendant’s cattle because the defendant had unlawfully taken the plaintiff’s cattle out of the county. • The defendant’s cattle would be detained until the sheriff could replevy

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encroach, vb. 1. To enter by gradual steps or stealth into the possessions or rights of another; to trespass or intrude. 2. To gain or intrude unlawfully upon another’s lands, property, or authority. — Formerly also spelled incroach.

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incendiary (in-sen-dee-er-ee), n. 1. One who deliberately and unlawfully sets fire to property. — Also termed arsonist; firebug. 2. An instrument (such as a bomb) or chemical agent designed to start a fire. — incendiary, adj.

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