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separate estate

separate estate (1)单独财产 指处于婚姻关系或商事关系的多人之中某一人的个人财产,区别于彼此间的共有财产或具有共同利益的财产。 (2)已婚妇女的特有财产在英国,普通法不允许已婚妇女占有独立于其丈夫以外的任何财产,如将某项财产归其单独使用和受益,则就该财产而言,衡平法需将该已婚妇女视为未婚妇女〔feme sole〕。妻子的特有财产可通过与其丈夫订立婚前契约〔pre-nuptial〕或由丈夫或他人赠与的方式而取得。1882年《已婚妇女财产法》〔Married Women’s Property Act〕几乎完全取消了普通法在财产问题上对已婚妇女和未婚妇女的区分。1935年《(已婚妇女与侵权人)改革法》〔Law Reform (Married Women and Tortfeasors)Act〕规定:已婚妇女有能力取得、持有和处分财产,对合同或侵权行为承担责任,受破产法的调整和法院判决及命令的执行,其范围与未婚妇女相同。1962年《(丈夫与妻子)改革法》〔Law Reform (Husband and Wife) Act〕亦有同样的修改。 (→community property; separate property; anticipation; coverture)

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international criminal police organization

International Criminal Police Organization. An international law-enforcement group founded in 1923 and headquartered in Lyons, France. • The organization gathers and shares information on transnational criminals for more than 180 member nations. — Also termed Interpol. “Interpol is something of a legal curiosity: it engages in intergovernmental activities and yet is not based on any

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liquid, adj. 1. (Of an asset) capable of being readily converted into cash. 2. (Of a person or entity) possessing assets that can be readily converted into cash.

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diversion, n. 1. A deviation or alteration from the natural course of things; esp., the unauthorized alteration of a watercourse to the prejudice of a lower riparian owner, or the unauthorized use of funds. 2. A distraction or pastime. — divert, vb.

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hydraflow test

Hydraflow test. A principle for deciding when an inadvertent disclosure of a privileged document is a waiver of the attorney–client privilege, whereby the court considers the reasonableness of the precautions taken to prevent the inadvertent disclosure, the number of disclosures involved, the extent of the disclosure, the promptness of any efforts to remedy the disclosure,

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