Search Results for: RULE, THE

territorial law

territorial law. The law that applies to all persons within a given territory regardless of their citizenship or nationality. Cf. PERSONAL LAW. “[T]he expression ‘territorial law’ … is not confined to the positive rules that regulate acts and events occurring within the jurisdiction, but includes also rules for the choice of law. English rules for […]

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moving part

moving part. Patents. A separate component of an apparatus that works together with another to produce the intended useful result. • Moving parts and a rule of operation generally distinguish an apparatus from an article of manufacture.

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caucus (kaw-k[schwa]s), n. 1. Representatives from a political party who assemble to nominate candidates and decide party policy. [Cases: Elections 125. C.J.S. Elections § 104.] 2. A meeting of a group, usu. within a deliberative assembly, of people aligned by party or interest to formulate a policy or strategy. — caucus, vb. “The term caucus

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ochlocracy n. 暴民政治 直接由推翻既存秩序的民众行使全部统治权力的政治形式。其与mobocracy同义,不过它是「暴民统治」〔mob rule〕正式用语且已有400年历史;而mobocracy则是morphological deformity的正式用语,只有200年历史,同时仍保留有滑稽色彩。

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personal knowledge

Knowledge gained through firsthand observation or experience, as distinguished from a belief based on what someone else has said. • Rule 602 of the Federal Rules of Evidence requires lay witnesses to have personal knowledge of the matters they testify about. An affidavit must also be based on personal knowledge, unless the affiant makes it

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