Search Results for: REGULATION Q

motor carrier act

Motor Carrier Act. A federal statute, originally enacted in 1935 (49 USCA §§ 502–507), subjecting commercial motor carriers of freight and passengers in interstate commerce to the regulations of the Interstate Commerce Commission, now the U.S. Department of Transportation. • The Act was repealed in the 1980s. [Cases: Automobiles 60. C.J.S. Motor Vehicles §§ 107–108, […]

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salary. An agreed compensation for services — esp. professional or semiprofessional services — usu. paid at regular intervals on a yearly basis, as distinguished from an hourly basis. • Salaried positions are usu. exempt from the requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act (on overtime and the like) but are subject to state regulation. Cf.

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stop order

stop order. 1. ORDER(8). 2. An SEC order that suspends a registration statement containing false, incomplete, or misleading information. [Cases: Securities Regulation 25.16. C.J.S. Securities Regulation § 85.] 3. A bank customer’s order instructing the bank not to honor one of the customer’s checks. — Also termed (in sense 3) stop-payment order. [Cases: Banks and

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famous trademark

A trademark that not only is distinctive but also has been used and heavily advertised or widely accepted in the channels of trade over a long time, and is so well known that consumers immediately associate it with one specific product or service. • Only famous marks are protected from dilution. Eight nonexclusive statutory factors

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office. 1. A position of duty, trust, or authority, esp. one conferred by a governmental authority for a public purpose (the office of attorney general). [Cases: Officers and Public Employees 1. C.J.S. Officers and Public Employees §§ 1–9, 12–17, 21.] 2. (often cap.) A division of the U.S. government ranking immediately below a department (the

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ecclesiastical matter

ecclesiastical matter. A matter that concerns church doctrine, creed, or form of worship, or the adoption and enforcement, within a religious association, of laws and regulations to govern the membership, including the power to exclude from such an association those deemed unworthy of membership. [Cases: Religious Societies 5, 28. C.J.S. Religious Societies § 6.]

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descriptive word

Trademarks. A term that portrays a general characteristic or function of a product or service. • A descriptive word may not be registered as a trademark unless it has acquired secondary meaning in the minds of consumers so that it is directly associated with one brand. [Cases: Trade Regulation 164. C.J.S. Trade-Marks, Trade-Names, and Unfair

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