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intestacy n. 无遗嘱死亡 指人在死亡时未留下有效遗嘱,或其遗嘱未处分其部分财产。死亡时未留下遗嘱的是全部无遗嘱死亡〔total intestacy〕,其遗嘱只处分了一部分遗产的是部分无遗嘱死亡〔partial intestacy〕。 (→partial intestacy)

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dilution. 1. The act or an instance of diminishing a thing’s strength or lessening its value. 2. Corporations. The reduction in the monetary value or voting power of stock by increasing the total number of outstanding shares. 3. Constitutional law. The limitation of the effectiveness of a particular group’s vote by legislative reapportionment or political

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bail point scale

bail-point scale. A system for determining a criminal defendant’s eligibility for bail, whereby the defendant either will be released on personal recognizance or will have a bail amount set according to the total number of points given, based on the defendant’s background and behavior.

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new for old

new-for-old. 1. Marine insurance. In adjusting a partial marine-insurance loss, the principle that old materials apply toward payment of the new, so that the old material’s value is deducted from the total repair expenses, and then from that balance one-third of the cost of repairs (one-third of the new materials for the old on the

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