Search Results for: FIRMA

farm let

farm let, vb. Hist. To lease; to let land for rent. • To farm let is a phrasal verb that commonly appeared in real-property leases; it corresponds with its Latin root, ad firmam tradidi. “A lease is properly a conveyance of any lands or tenements, (usually in consideration of rent or other annual recompense) made

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fresh start

fresh start. Bankruptcy. The favorable financial status obtained by a debtor who receives a release from personal liability on prepetition debts or who reorganizes debt obligations through the confirmation and completion of a bankruptcy plan. [Cases: Bankruptcy 2363. 1.]

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perjury n. 伪证罪 指在司法程序中作出宣誓之后故意提供虚假的或误导性的陈述的行为。在普通法上,通常认为构成伪证罪应具备以下要素:1在司法程序中,在作出宣誓或相当于宣誓的确认〔affirmation〕之后仍作虚假陈述;2该陈述的内容必须与该司法程序相关或对之有重要意义;3该证人必须具有欺骗的意图。

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farm n. (1)农地 一个集体名词,可指宅院、耕地、草地、牧地、林地、公地等,盎格鲁-撒克逊时代相当于fermholt、tack、wike。 (2)(特指)农家宅院(→agricultural holding) (3)(出现在遗嘱中指)遗赠的农地 包括附属于农地的非农用土地如林地,也可以是不相邻的几片土地,只要立遗嘱人曾经或一直将其作农地使用。 (4) (英格兰古法)租金;租期;租佃地 (5)(英格兰古法)包税 盎格鲁-撒克逊时期称feorme、foodrent、ferm、firma,指每年交付一次的固定租金或税额,中世纪时由郡长〔sheriff〕负责包缴所在郡的年总税额,即预先交付一定金额,超过固定包税额的税收由包税的郡长获利。 (6)农用土地;养殖场;畜牧场;林场 v. (7)耕作;耕种;种植;养殖 (8)出租(土地) (9)(附条件、交付固定租金而)转让、让渡(不动产) (10)经营(农场)

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close debate

close debate. Parliamentary law. To pass a motion that ends debate and amendment of a pending question or series of questions. • The synonymous shorthand “previous question,” a somewhat archaic and misleading term that several parliamentary manuals still use for this motion, has evolved over time. Two centuries ago, the motion was invented for suppressing

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term sheet

term sheet. Securities. 1. A document setting forth all information that is material to investors about the offering but is not disclosed in the accompanying prospectus or the confirmation. 2. LETTER OF INTENT. abbreviated term sheet. A term sheet that includes (1) the description of the securities as required by Item 202 of SEC Regulation

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