Search Results for: IRS

sham exception

sham exception. An exception to the Noerr–Pennington doctrine whereby a company that petitions the government will not receive First Amendment protection or an exemption from the antitrust laws if its intent in petitioning the government is really an effort to harm its competitors rather than to obtain favorable governmental action. See NOERR–PENNINGTON DOCTRINE; sham action

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limited warranty

A warranty that does not fully cover labor and materials for repairs. • Under federal law, a limited warranty must be clearly labeled as such on the face of the warranty. See MAGNUSON–MOSS WARRANTY ACT. Cf. full warranty. [Cases: Sales 279. C.J.S. Sales §§ 249, 256, 258, 261, 283.]

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lending right

lending right. Copyright. The power of a copyright owner to control the use of copies of the work beyond the first sale when that use involves offering the copy to the public for temporary use with no consideration required. • Lending rights are recognized among members of the European Commission. [Cases: Copyrights and Intellectual Property

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consolidation, n. 1. The act or process of uniting; the state of being united. 2. Legislation. The combination into a single statutory measure of various legislative provisions that have previously been scattered in different statutes. 3. Civil procedure. The court-ordered unification of two or more actions, involving the same parties and issues, into a single

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attempt to attempt

attempt to attempt. A first step made toward a criminal attempt of some sort, such as a failed effort to mail someone a note inciting that person to engage in criminal conduct. • As a general rule, courts do not recognize an attempt to commit a crime that is itself an attempt. But some jurisdictions

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policy. 1. The general principles by which a government is guided in its management of public affairs. See PUBLIC POLICY. 2. A document containing a contract of insurance; INSURANCE POLICY. [Cases: Insurance 1712–1713. C.J.S. Insurance §§ 253, 255, 261, 272, 282–283, 285.] 3. A type of lottery in which bettors select numbers to bet on

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cattle trespass

Hist. Trespass by one’s cattle or other animals on another’s land, as a result of which the other might either distrain them damage feasant or sue for trespass in the local courts. • At first (from the early 13th century) this type of trespass applied only to intentional trespass by the keeper of the cattle,

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