Search Results for: WIFE

marital property

Property that is acquired during marriage and that is subject to distribution or division at the time of marital dissolution. • Generally, it is property acquired after the date of the marriage and before a spouse files for separation or divorce. The phrase marital property is used in equitable-distribution states and is roughly equivalent to […]

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desertion, n. The willful and unjustified abandonment of a person’s duties or obligations, esp. to military service or to a spouse or family. • In family law, the five elements of spousal desertion are (1) a cessation of cohabitation, (2) the lapse of a statutory period, (3) an intention to abandon, (4) a lack of

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cousin. 1. A child of one’s aunt or uncle. — Also termed first cousin; full cousin; cousin-german. 2. A relative descended from one’s ancestor (such as a grandparent) by two or more steps in a diverging line. 3. Any distant relative by blood or marriage; a kinsman or kinswoman. cousin-german. A first cousin; a child

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sham marriage

A purported marriage in which all the formal requirements are met or seemingly met, but in which the parties go through the ceremony with no intent of living together as husband and wife. Cf. green-card marriage; fraudulent marriage; limited-purpose marriage. [Cases: Aliens 53.4. C.J.S. Aliens §§ 78, 81, 114, 142–143, 145–148, 217.]

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lady. In Britain, a title belonging to the wife of a peer, (by courtesy) the wife of a baronet or knight, or any single or married woman whose father was a nobleman carrying a rank of earl or higher.

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covert baron

covert baron (k[schwa]v-[schwa]rt bar-[schwa]n). [Law French] Hist. The condition or status of a married woman at common law. — Also written cover-baron. — Also termed covert de baron. “By marriage, the husband and wife are one person in law: that is, the very being or legal existence of the woman is suspended during the marriage,

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