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grey seals

grey seals 〈英〉灰海豹 1932年《灰海豹保护法》〔Grey Seals Protection Act〕规定了灰海豹的禁猎期。此法后为1970年《海豹保护法》〔Conservation of Seals Act〕所取代。根据《海豹保护法》的规定,灰海豹〔Halichoerus grypus〕的禁猎期为每年的9月1日至12月31日;普通海豹〔Phoca vitulina〕的禁猎期为每年的6月1日至8月31日。此外,该法还对非禁猎期内海豹的捕杀作了严密的规范。

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basilica (b[schwa]-sil-i-k[schwa]). [Greek] Hist. 1. (cap.) A 60-book Greek summary of Justinian’s Corpus Juris Civilis, with comments (scholia). • The Basilica (“royal law”) was begun by the Byzantine emperor Basil I, and it served as a major source of the law of the Eastern Empire from the early 10th century until Constantinople’s fall in 1453.

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analog. Patents. A different material, usu. a chemical or DNA sequence, that produces the same result as the specified material when used in a certain way. • To prevent others from free-riding on their innovations without technically infringing their exclusive rights, patent applicants often include analogs in their claims. — Also spelled analogue. — Also

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local law theory

local-law theory. Conflict of laws. The view that, although a court of the forum recognizes and enforces a local right (that is, one created under its own law), in a foreign-element case it does not necessarily apply the rule that would govern an analogous case of a purely domestic character, but instead takes into account

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selective enforcement

selective enforcement. The practice of law-enforcement officers who use wide or even unfettered discretion about when and where to carry out certain laws; esp., the practice of singling a person out for prosecution or punishment under a statute or regulation because the person is a member of a protected group or because the person has

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applied art doctrine

applied-art doctrine. Copyright. The rule that a pictorial, graphic, or sculptural work that has an inherent use apart from its appearance, and is also an expressive work apart from its utility, may qualify for copyright protection. • Examples have included bookends, lamps, and sundials. In contrast to applied art, industrial designs are not copyrightable, although

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performer n. (1)表演者 (2)〔P-s〕〈英〉表演者法 指1958年《戏剧和音乐表演者保护法》〔Dramatic and Musical Performers’ Protection Act〕及1963年和1972年的《表演者保护法》〔Performers’ Protection Acts〕。上述各表演者法均规定,凡未经表演者同意,擅自对其表演制作唱片、影片或进行广播者,应予处罚。

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agency of necessity

An agency arising during an emergency that necessitates the agent’s acting without authori-zation from the principal; the relation between a person who in exigent circumstances acts in the interest of another without being authorized to do so. • It is a quasi-contractual relation formed by the operation of legal rules and not by the agreement

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