Search Results for: VERT

illiquid asset

An asset that is not readily convertible into cash, usu. because of (1) the lack of demand, (2) the absence of an established market, or (3) the substantial cost or time required for liquidation (such as for real property, even when it is desirable).

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deep link

deep link. Intellectual property. A webpage hyperlink that, when clicked, opens a page on another website other than that site’s home page. • Some plaintiffs have argued, with mixed success, that bypassing their home pages in this manner deprives them of advertising revenue. Deep-linking does not violate copyright if the portal provided does not copy

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overrule, vb. 1. To rule against; to reject (the judge overruled all of the defendant’s objections). 2. (Of a court) to overturn or set aside (a precedent) by expressly deciding that it should no longer be controlling law (in Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court overruled Plessy v. Ferguson). Cf. VACATE(1). [Cases: Courts

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psychopath (sI-k[schwa]-path), n. 1. A person with a mental disorder characterized by an extremely antisocial personality that often leads to aggressive, perverted, or criminal behavior. • The formal psychiatric term for the mental illness from which a psychopath suffers is antisocial personality disorder. 2. Loosely, a person who is mentally ill or unstable. — Also

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Smith Act

A 1948 federal antisedition law that criminalizes advocating the forcible or violent overthrow of the government. 18 USCA § 2385. [Cases: Insurrection and Sedition 1. C.J.S. Riot; Insurrection § 29.]

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feu farm

feu farm. Scots law. A tenure of land held in exchange for a specified annual payment (called feu duty). • This type of tenure was converted to a freehold in 2000. — Also termed feu tenure. See FEU DUTY.

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specimen. An actual sample of something; esp., an example of a trademark as it is used in commerce. • In the field of trademarks, a specimen typically consists of a label, a container, a display, or a photograph of the mark used for selling or advertising the goods or services.

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