Search Results for: member bank

regulation z

Regulation Z. A Federal Reserve Board regulation that implements the provisions of the federal Consumer Credit Protection Act for member banks. See CONSUMER CREDIT PROTECTION ACT . [Cases: Consumer Credit 32. C.J.S. Interest and Usury; Consumer Credit § 318.]

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regulation j

Regulation J. A Federal Reserve Board regulation that governs the collection of checks by and the transfer of funds through member banks. [Cases: Banks and Banking 188.5, 356. C.J.S. Banks and Banking §§ 445–451, 656–659.]

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reserve ratio

reserve ratio. The Federal Reserve Board’s measurement of a member bank’s required reserves. See required reserve under RESERVE. primary reserve ratio. The ratio between a bank’s required reserves (cash in vault plus deposits with Federal Reserve Banks) and its demand and time deposits. secondary reserve ratio. The ratio between a bank’s government securities and its

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creditors’ committee

creditors’ committee. Bankruptcy. A committee comprising representatives of the creditors in a Chapter 11 proceeding, formed to negotiate the debtor’s plan of reorganization. • Generally, a committee has no fewer than 3 and no more than 11 members and serves as an advisory body. 11 USCA § 1102. [Cases: Bankruptcy 3024. C.J.S. Bankruptcy §§ 193,

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