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attaché (at-[schwa]-shayor a-ta-shay), n. A person who serves as a technical adviser to an embassy. [Cases: Ambassadors and Consuls 3. C.J.S. Ambassadors and Consuls §§ 15–23.]

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not guilty by statute

not guilty by statute 〈英〉依制定法无罪 旧时在民事诉讼中被告提出的一种概括否认答辩,意思是根据某项议会立法,他有权在庭审中就某一特别事项举证,证明该案件的事实并说明其行为符合议会所制定的法律,从而在效力上相当于对原告所主张的案件事实和诉由均特别提出了答辩。但如果被告提出这种答辩,他必须说明所依据制定法的颁布年代与章节以及是公事法〔public act〕还是私益法〔private act〕,并且未经法庭同意不得再提出其他答辩。1842年《诉讼时效与费用法》〔Limitation of Actions and Costs Act〕(亦称《波洛克法》〔Pollock’s Act〕)废除了依据私益法或特别地区立法〔local act〕提出的这类答辩,而1893年《政府机构保护法》〔Public Authorities Protection Act〕废除了依据公事法提出的这类答辩。

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teach, vb. Patents. 1. (Of a patent specification) to instruct (a person of ordinary skill in the art how to make and use an invention). [Cases: Patents 99. C.J.S. Patents § 139.] 2. (Of a prior-art reference) to anticipate (the invention’s being examined) by discussing, describing, or analyzing the invention’s essential elements or technology. •

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paper patent

A patent granted for a discovery or invention that has never been used commercially. • A paper patent may receive less protection under the law than a patent granted for a device that is actually used in industry. As a prior-art reference, a paper patent may carry less weight with examiners than one for an

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citizen, n. 1. A person who, by either birth or naturalization, is a member of a political community, owing allegiance to the community and being entitled to enjoy all its civil rights and protections; a member of the civil state, entitled to all its privileges. Cf. RESIDENT; DOMICILIARY. [Cases: Citizens 1. C.J.S. Citizens §§ 7,

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