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quota. 1. A proportional share assigned to a person or group; an allotment (the university’s admission standards included a quota for in-state residents). [Cases: Colleges and Universities 9.15. C.J.S. Colleges and Universities § 30.] 2. A quantitative restriction; a minimum or maximum number (Faldo met his sales quota for the month). export quota. A restriction […]

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heat of passion

heat of passion. Rage, terror, or furious hatred suddenly aroused by some immediate provocation, usu. another person’s words or actions. • At common law, the heat of passion could serve as a mitigating circumstance that would reduce a murder charge to manslaughter. — Also termed sudden heat of passion; sudden heat; sudden passion; hot blood;

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employee benefit plan

A written stock-purchase, savings, option, bonus, stock-appreciation, profit-sharing, thrift, incentive, pension, or similar plan solely for employees, officers, and advisers of a company. • The term includes an employee-welfare benefit plan, an employee-pension benefit plan, or a combination of those two. See 29 USCA § 1002(3). But the term excludes any plan, fund, or program

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his. Properly a possessive pronoun of the masculine gender, but traditionally used and construed to include both sexes. • Because of the trend toward nonsexist language, careful drafters now generally avoid using his (and the personal pronouns he and him) unless the reference is only to a male person.

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model act

model act. A statute drafted by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws and proposed as guideline legislation for the states to borrow from or adapt to suit their individual needs. • Examples of model acts include the Model Employment Termination Act and the Model Punitive Damages Act. Cf. UNIFORM LAW.

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dramatic work

Any form of nonliterary work created for performance and viewing. • The term includes plays, scripts, films, choreographic works, and similar creations. [Cases: Copyrights and Intellectual Property 7. C.J.S. Copyrights and Intellectual Property § 13.]

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united states court of international trade

United States Court of International Trade. A court with jurisdiction over any civil action against the United States arising from federal laws governing import transactions or the eligibility of workers, firms, and communities for adjustment assistance under the Trade Act of 1974 (19 USCA §§ 2101–2495). • Its exclusive jurisdiction also includes actions to recover

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