Search Results for: IRS

estate duty

Hist. English law. A tax imposed on the principal value of all property that passed on death. • Estate duties were first imposed in 1889. A capital transfer tax replaced it in 1975. Since 1986, an inheritance tax has applied instead, with exceptions for certain transactions entered into before then. See death duty.

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devisee (dev-[schwa]-zeeor di-vI-zee). A recipient of property by will. Cf. LEGATEE. first devisee. The first devisee designated to receive an estate under a will. next devisee. The devisee who receives the remainder of an estate in tail, as distinguished from the first devisee. See FEE TAIL. [Cases: Wills 604. C.J.S. Wills § 1258.] residuary devisee.

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office of protocol

Office of Protocol. A unit in the U.S. Department of State responsible for advising the President, the Vice President, the Secretary of State, and other U.S. officials on matters of custom and decorum, and for planning and hosting state dinners and other affairs, esp. involving foreign heads of state and other diplomats. • The Office

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worthiest of blood

worthiest of blood, n. Hist. Of or relating to males, because of the preference given them in the laws of descent. See PRIMOGENITURE. “Thus sons shall be admitted before daughters; or, as our male lawgivers have somewhat uncomplaisantly expressed it, the worthiest blood shall be preferred. As if John Stiles hath two sons, Matthew and

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