Search Results for: ILL

no bill

no bill, n. A grand jury’s notation that insufficient evidence exists for an indictment on a criminal charge (the grand jury returned a no bill instead of the indictment the prosecutors expected). (the grand jury no-billed three of the charges). Cf. TRUE BILL. [Cases: Grand Jury 42.] — no-bill, vb.

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living will

living will. An instrument, signed with the formalities statutorily required for a will, by which a person directs that his or her life not be artificially prolonged by extraordinary measures when there is no reasonable expectation of recovery from extreme physical or mental disability. • Most states have living-will legislation. — Also termed declaration of

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supplemental bill in nature of bill of review

supplemental bill in nature of bill of review 具有复审诉状性质的补充起诉状 用于请求衡平法院撤销其已作出的判决的一种诉状,其提出主要是基于某些事实的存在,若该事实在诉讼中被提交给法院则会阻止法院作出终局判决,且该事实之所以在诉讼中未被提交给法院并非出于当事人的疏忽。

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pillage (pil-ij), n. 1. The forcible seizure of another’s property, esp. in war; esp., the wartime plundering of a city or territory. 2. The property so seized or plundered; BOOTY. — Also termed plunder. [Cases: War and National Emergency 21. C.J.S. War and National Defense § 16.] — pillage, vb.

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