Search Results for: TAKEOVER

white knight

white knight. A person or corporation that rescues the target of an unfriendly corporate takeover, esp. by acquiring a controlling interest in the target corporation or by making a competing tender offer. — Also termed friendly suitor. See TAKEOVER. Cf. CORPORATE RAIDER.

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lockup option

lockup option. A defense against a corporate takeover, in which a friendly party is entitled to buy parts of a corporation for a set price when a person or group acquires a certain percentage of the corporation’s shares. • An agreement of this kind may be illegal, to the extent it is not undertaken to

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tender offer

tender offer. A public offer to buy a minimum number of shares directly from a corporation’s shareholders at a fixed price, usu. at a substantial premium over the market price, in an effort to take control of the corporation. — Also termed takeover offer; takeover bid. Cf. public-exchange offer under OFFER. [Cases: Securities Regulation 52.30–52.50.

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acquisition, n. 1. The gaining of possession or control over something ( acquisition of the target company’s as-sets). 2. Something acquired (a valuable acquisition). creeping acquisition. The gradual purchase of a corporation’s stock at varying prices on the open market. • As a takeover method, a creeping acquisition does not involve a formal tender offer,

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