Search Results for: REGULATION Q


underwriter. 1. INSURER. 2. One who buys stock from the issuer with an intent to resell it to the public; a person or entity, esp. an investment banker, who guarantees the sale of newly issued securities by purchasing all or part of the shares for resale to the public. [Cases: Securities Regulation 11.18, 60.31. C.J.S. […]

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registration, n. 1. The act of recording or enrolling (the county clerk handles registration of voters). [Cases: Elections 95–119. C.J.S. Elections §§ 7(3), 36–38, 40(1), 41, 46–47, 51–52.] criminal registration. The requirement in some communities that any felon who spends any time in the community must register his or her name with the police. •

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special exception

special exception. 1. A party’s objection to the form rather than the substance of an opponent’s claim, such as an objection for vagueness or ambiguity. See DEMURRER. Cf. general exception (1) under EXCEPTION(1). [Cases: Pleading 228.14. C.J.S. Pleading § 233.] 2. An allowance in a zoning ordinance for special uses that are considered essential and

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office of workers’ compensation programs

Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs. The division of the Employment Standards Administration in the U.S. Department of Labor responsible for processing and adjudicating claims under the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act, the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act, the Black Lung Benefits Reform Act, and similar worker-benefits statutes and regulations. — Abbr. OWCP. See EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS

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put option

An option to sell something (esp. securities) at a fixed price even if the market declines; the right to require another to buy. — Often shortened to put. [Cases: Commodity Futures Trading Regulation 10; Corporations 116; Securities Regulation 5.25(3). C.J.S. Corporations §§ 233–240, 242; Securities Regulation §§ 28–29, 455, 470.]

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regime (r[schwa]-zheemor ray-zheem). 1. A system of rules, regulations, or government (the community-property regime). 2. A particular administration or government, esp. an authoritarian one. — Also spelled régime. international regime. A set of norms of behavior and rules and policies that cover international issues and that facilitate substantive or procedural arrangements among countries. legal regime.

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infringer. A person who interferes with one of the exclusive rights of a patent, copyright, or trademark owner. See INFRINGEMENT. [Cases: Copyrights and Intellectual Property 77; Patents 287(1); Trade Regulation 374. C.J.S. Copyrights and Intellectual Property §§ 64–65; Trade-Marks, Trade-Names, and Unfair Competition§ 85.]

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exempt security

A security that need not be registered under the provisions of the Securities Act of 1933 and is exempt from the margin requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. [Cases: Securities Regulation 14.10–14.40. C.J.S. Securities Regulation §§ 23, 51–61, 69.]

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flag, n. 1. A usu. rectangular piece of cloth, bunting, or other material decorated with a distinctive design and used as a symbol or signal. 2. Something symbolized by the display of a flag, such as a ship or nationality. See DUTY OF THE FLAG; LAW OF THE FLAG. flag of convenience. Int’l law. A

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