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enrolled bill rule

enrolled-bill rule. The conclusive presumption that a statute, once formalized, appears precisely as the legislature intended, thereby preventing any challenge to the drafting of the bill. [Cases: Statutes 283(2).C.J.S. Statutes §§ 74–75, 77.] “Under the ‘enrolled bill rule,’ an enrolled bill, properly authenticated and approved by the governor, is conclusive as to regularity of its […]

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bill of exchange

bill of exchange 汇票 一人向另一人签发的、要求该人即期或远期向指定的人或持票人无条件支付一定金额的书面支付命令。汇票包括三方基本当事人,即出票人〔drawer〕、付款人〔drawee〕及受款人〔payee〕。某些时候,出票人即为受款人。如果出票人与付款人为同一人,则持票人可视之为本票〔promissory note〕。如果付款人接受票据,愿意承担付款责任,即为承兑人〔acceptor〕。

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bill in the nature of a bill of review

bill in the nature of a bill of review 复审诉状性质的诉状衡平法诉讼中的一种诉状,由初始诉讼当事人以外的,不受判决约束的人提出,旨在请求对该案件重新审理,并撤销原判决。美国《联邦民事诉讼规则》〔Federal Rules of Civil Procedure〕已废除了此种诉状。

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