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dispatch money

Maritime law. An amount paid by a shipowner to a vessel’s charterer if the vessel’s cargo is unloaded at the port sooner than provided for in the agreement between the charterer and the shipowner. — Also termed dispatch. Cf. contract demurrage under DEMURRAGE. [Cases: Shipping 49(6). C.J.S. Shipping § 108.]

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termination fee

termination fee. A fee paid if a party voluntarily backs out of a deal to sell or purchase a business or a business’s assets. • Termination fees are usu. negotiated and agreed on as part of corporate merger or acquisition negotiations. The fee is designed to protect the prospective buyer and to deter the target

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negotium (ni-goh-shee-[schwa]m), n. [Latin] Roman law. 1. A matter; an affair, as in negotium absentis, a matter concerning an absent person. 2. A transaction; an agreement. 3. A trade; a business. 4. A civil or criminal trial. Pl. negotia.

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parking. 1. The sale of securities subject to an agreement that the seller will buy them back at a later time for a similar price. • Parking is illegal if done to circumvent securities regulations or tax laws. It is often a method of evading the net-capital requirements of the National Association of Securities Dealers

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joint venture

joint venture. A business undertaking by two or more persons engaged in a single defined project. • The necessary elements are: (1) an express or implied agreement; (2) a common purpose that the group intends to carry out; (3) shared profits and losses; and (4) each member’s equal voice in controlling the project. — Also

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heedlessness, n. The quality of being thoughtless and inconsiderate; esp., conduct whereby the actor disregards the rights or safety of others. • Heedlessness is often construed to involve the same degree of fault as recklessness. See RECKLESSNESS. — heedless, adj.

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re up

re-up, vb. 1. To reenlist in one of the armed forces (the soldier re-upped the day after being discharged). [Cases: Armed Services 18. C.J.S. Armed Services §§ 43, 45–46.] 2. To sign an extension to a contract, esp. an employment agreement (the star athlete re-upped in a three-year deal worth $12 million).

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