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period of prescription

period of prescription. The period fixed by local law as sufficient for obtaining or extinguishing a right through lapse of time. • In addition to a fixed number of years, the period includes whatever further time is allowed by local law because of infancy, insanity, coverture, and other like circumstances. See PRESCRIPTIVE RIGHT; PRESCRIPTION(3), (4), […]

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proceeds (proh-seedz), n. 1. The value of land, goods, or investments when converted into money; the amount of money received from a sale (the proceeds are subject to attachment). 2. Something received upon selling, exchanging, collecting, or otherwise disposing of collateral. UCC § 9-102(a)(64). • Proceeds differ from other types of collateral because they constitute

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demutualization, n. The process of converting a mutual insurance company (which is owned by its policyholders) to a stock insurance company (which is owned by outside shareholders), usu. as a means of increasing the insurer’s capital by allowing the insurer to issue shares. • About half the states have demutualization statutes authorizing such a conversion.

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vergens ad inopiam

vergens ad inopiam (v[schwa]r-jenz ad in-oh-pee-[schwa]m), adj. [Latin “verging on poverty”] Civil law. Tending to become insolvent. “When a debtor is clearly vergens ad inopiam, a creditor may legally resort to certain measures, for the purpose of protecting his interests, which would not otherwise be competent to him. Thus if the debtor be bound under

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securitizable, adj. 1. Of, relating to, or constituting the class of obligations that a creditor (originator) may package and sell to others for corporate purposes. 2. (Of an asset) capable of being rapidly converted to cash, as with commercial-loan receivables and trade accounts receivable.

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