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meretricious (mer-[schwa]-trish-[schwa]s), adj. 1. Involving prostitution ( a meretricious encounter). 2. (Of a romantic relationship) involving either unlawful sexual connection or lack of capacity on the part of one party (a meretricious marriage). 3. Superficially attractive but fake nonetheless; alluring by false show (meretricious advertising claims).

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工作成果规则(律师) 英语:work product rule (attorney) (US) 法语:secret professionnel visant les pensées/documents de l’avocat 德语:vertrauliche Rechtsanwaltsarbeit 意大利语:segreto professionale dell’avvocato 西班牙语:secreto profesional (trabajo confidencial)

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prospectus (pr[schwa]-spek-t[schwa]s). A printed document that describes the main features of an enterprise (esp. a corporation’s business) and that is distributed to prospective buyers or investors; esp., a written description of a securities offering. • Under SEC regulations, a publicly traded corporation must provide a prospectus before offering to sell stock in the corporation. Pl.

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anarchy, n. 1. Absence of government; lawlessness. 2. A sociopolitical theory holding that the only legitimate form of government is one under which individuals govern themselves voluntarily, free from any collective power structure enforcing compliance with social order. — anarchic, adj. criminal anarchy. A doctrine advocating the overthrow of organized government by force or violence,

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express warranty

A warranty created by the overt words or actions of the seller. • Under the UCC, an express warranty is created by any of the following: (1) an affirmation of fact or promise made by the seller to the buyer relating to the goods that becomes the basis of the bargain; (2) a description of

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