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nolan act

Nolan Act. Hist. Patents. A statute, passed after World War I, that extended the U.S. patenting deadlines for citizens of former enemy nations. • A similar measure, the Boykin Act, was passed after World War II.

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united states sentencing commission

United States Sentencing Commission. An independent commission in the judicial branch of the federal government responsible for setting and regulating guidelines for criminal sentencing in federal courts and for issuing policy statements about their application. • The President appoints its members with the advice and consent of the Senate. It was created under the Sentencing

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hovering act

hovering act. Int’l law. A statute applying to a coastal country’s criminal jurisdiction over ships, and persons aboard those ships, when the ships are outside the country’s territory. “The notion of hovering acts evolved long before that of a belt of uniform width in the form of territorial waters. Great Britain’s first anti-smuggling legislation to

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boykin act

Boykin Act. Patents. Hist. A statute, passed after World War II, that extended the U.S. patenting deadlines for citizens of former enemy nations. • A similar measure, the Nolan Act, was passed after World War I.

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minor participant

minor participant. Criminal law. Under the federal sentencing guidelines, a defendant who is less culpable for a crime than the other members of the group committing the crime, but who has more culpability than a minimal participant. • A defendant who is a minor participant can have the offense level for the crime decreased by

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