Search Results for: REGULATION Q

regulation x

Regulation X. A HUD regulation that implements the provisions of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act. See REAL ESTATE SETTLEMENT PROCEDURES ACT. [Cases: Consumer Credit 50. C.J.S. Interest and Usury; Consumer Credit§ 326.]

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Deregulation Act of 1978

Deregulation Act of 1978 〈美〉《1978年解除管制法》 一部联邦法律,它逐步减少民用航空委员会〔Civil Aeronautics Board/C.A.B.〕在控制航线和价格方面的权力,到1983年则完全解除管制,而该委员会本身也于1985年被撤销。这是几十年以来第一次通过法律对一个独立的工业部门解除管制,自此以后,解除管制的观念也迅速地深入到其它领域。

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regulation, n. 1. The act or process of controlling by rule or restriction (the federal regulation of the airline industry). 2. BYLAW(1) (the CEO referred to the corporate regulation). 3. A rule or order, having legal force, usu. issued by an administrative agency (Treasury regulations explain and interpret the Internal Revenue Code). — Abbr. reg;

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