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motion for judgment notwithstanding the verdict

motion for judgment notwithstanding the verdict. A party’s request that the court enter a judgment in its favor despite the jury’s contrary verdict because there is no legally sufficient evidentiary basis for a jury to find for the other party. • Under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, this procedure has been replaced by the

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heresy (her-[schwa]-see), n. 1. Opinion or doctrine contrary to (usu. Catholic) church dogma. [Cases: Religious Societies 28.] 2. Hist. In England, an offense against religion, consisting not in totally denying Christianity, but in publicly denying some of its essential doctrines; an opinion on divine subjects devised solely by human reason, openly taught, and obstinately maintained.

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divorce decree

A final judgment in a suit for divorce. • A divorce decree dissolves the marriage and usu. resolves all matters concerning property and children. Generally, matters concerning children can be modified in a post-divorce action if there has been a substantial change in circumstances.

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verify, vb. 1. To prove to be true; to confirm or establish the truth or truthfulness of; to authenticate. 2. To confirm or substantiate by oath or affidavit; to swear to the truth of.

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Statutes at Large

Statutes at Large 《制定法大全》 1美国国会每次会期所通过的法律和决议的正式汇编,由联邦登记处〔Office of the Federal Register〕出版,始于1789年。其内容包括两个部分,第一部分为公法〔public acts〕和国会联合决议〔joint resolution〕;第二部分为私法〔private acts〕和国会联合决议、国会共同决议〔concurrent resolution〕、条约、对宪法的建议修正案和已批准的修正案〔proposed and ratified amendments〕以及总统文告〔Presidential proclamations〕。1951年以前各卷的内容按章序〔chapter number〕排列,现在则按公法制定的时间顺序排列,其作用主要是方便检索和引用。2该词在英国最早指1587年由克里斯托弗·巴克〔Christopher Barker〕出版的一本法律汇编,收录从1215年的《大宪章》〔Magna Carta〕到1587年间英格兰的制定法。后来基布尔〔Keble〕、霍金斯〔Hawkins〕、凯〔Cay〕、皮克林〔Pickering〕、拉福黑德〔Ruffhead〕、朗宁顿〔Runnington〕、汤姆林〔Tomlins〕、莱斯拜〔Raithby〕等人出版的法律汇编,也都名为《制定法大全》,这一名称意指其中包括了所有公布过的一般法〔public general statutes〕,以区别于制定法的选编本〔collection of selected statutes〕,如《制定法节略》〔Abridgments〕和《实用制定法》〔Statutes of Practical Utility〕。

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