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skill. Special ability and proficiency; esp., the practical and familiar knowledge of the principles and processes of an art, science, or trade, combined with the ability to apply them appropriately, with readiness and dexterity. • Skill is generally considered more than mere competence. It is a special competence that is not a part of the […]

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gap filler

gap-filler. A rule that supplies a contractual term that the parties failed to include in the contract. • For example, if the contract does not contain a sales price, UCC § 2-305(1) establishes the price as being a reasonable one at the time of delivery. Cf. default rule under RULE(1). [Cases: Sales 22(4), 23(4). C.J.S.

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end of will

end of will 遗嘱的尾部 法律一般要求在遗嘱的末尾应当签字。在适用该项法律要求时,对何为遗嘱的结尾有两种不同的解释:1认为是指自然意义上的结尾,即遗嘱行文结束的地方;2认为是指逻辑意义上的结尾,即遗嘱中财产处置条款结束的地方,而不论该结束点出现在文书的何处;或指结果意义上的结尾,即遗嘱人所设定的结果在文书中所处的位置。

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mill site

mill site 〈美〉磨坊址 指河中或河边适宜建造磨坊以利用河水动力的地块。依照采矿法,尤指采矿权人可主张权利的公有地地块,面积不超过5英亩,不包括采矿地,不邻近矿脉,使用目的为碾磨或其他直接与采矿有关的目的;也指设置磨坊和实际用于碾磨目的,但又非现采矿权人拥有或与任何采矿权人有关的小块地。

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shilling, n. 1. The practice of fraudulently bidding on items at an auction solely to drive up the price. • The seller might collude with another person to bid or might act alone and anonymously. Cf. BIDDING UP; BY-BIDDING. 2. Hist. An English coin equal to 12 pence or 1/20th of a pound. • Shillings

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scintilla of evidence rule

scintilla of evidence rule 微弱证据规则 普通法上的一项规则。指案件中只要有任何的证据,即使很微弱,也可产生一定的法律后果:1如果这些微弱的证据倾向于支持案件中的某一实质性争议,只要这些证据不是模糊的、不确定的、与案件不相关的事实,那么案件必须交由陪审团审理并作出裁决;2如果案件中的证据很微弱,但能够支持一方当事人的主张,则法庭不得对该案作出简易判决。至于什么样的证据才算微弱证据,各法院的认定并不一致,且目前美国多数司法区的法院已摒弃了这一规则。

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