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Harter Act

Maritime law. An 1893 federal statute regulating a carrier’s liability for the loss or damage of ocean cargo shipped under bills of lading. 46 USCA app. §§ 190–196. • The Act was the primary model for the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, which has largely superseded it in practice. See CARRIAGE OF GOODS BY […]

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libel per se

libel per se 自成诽谤 1无需举证特定损害,本身即可诉的诽谤行为,与他成诽谤〔libel per quod〕相对。在美国的大多数司法管辖区,已不再区分自成诽谤和他成诽谤,而是笼统认定一般赔偿金〔general damages〕;2从表面即可认定成立的诽谤。

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specific performance

specific performance. The rendering, as nearly as practicable, of a promised performance through a judgment or decree; specif., a court-ordered remedy that requires precise fulfillment of a legal or contractual obligation when monetary damages are inappropriate or inadequate, as when the sale of real estate or a rare article is involved. • Specific performance is

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slander n. 口头诽谤 指以言词或其他非永久性形式针对他人所作的虚假或诋毁性陈述,它可以作为诉因而被要求损害赔偿。在英国法中,自17世纪开始即把诽谤〔defamation〕分为两种,即口头诽谤与书面诽谤〔libel〕(包括以广播〔by broadcasting〕形式进行诽谤)。尽管两者在一般人看来属于同义语,并且在许多方面都受相同原则的调整,但它们之间还是存在如下重大区别:第一,书面诽谤不仅仅是一种可以被起诉的侵权行为,而且也可以构成犯罪,口头诽谤则只是一种民事侵权行为。第二,书面诽谤在所有案件中均可因该行为本身〔per se〕而被起诉,而口头诽谤则只在特定的案件中才可因行为本身而被起诉,在其他案件中须由原告证明存在实际损害方可起诉。但这两者的区别也受到了严厉的批评,认为这将导致严重不公。关于口头诽谤的构成,英国法律将之区分为两种情况:1诽谤原告犯有作为首犯应受监禁处罚的犯罪,或者诬称其患有应与社会隔离的传染病,或者对其职位、职业、称呼、商业或业务进行诋毁;或者以不贞或通奸诽谤妇女。上述行为属于以行为本身即可受到起诉的口头诽谤〔slander actionable per se〕。2除此以外的诽谤行为,如果因此导致原告受有特定的实际损害的,则属于因实际损害而受到起诉的口头诽谤〔slander actionable by reason of special damage〕。美国法亦将口头诽谤分为两种:因行为本身而构成的口头诽谤〔slander per se〕与因存在实际损害而构成的口头诽谤〔slander per quod〕。美国《侵权法第二次重述》〔Restatement, Second, Torts〕认为口头诽谤的实质要件包括:1涉及他人的虚假或诋毁性陈述;2不享有豁免特权而向第三方进行传播;3公开方具有过失以上的过错;4存在无须造成损害即可起诉的诉因或存在因此造成的实际损害。 (→defamation; libel)

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privateer (prI-v[schwa]-teer), n. 1. A vessel owned and operated by private persons, but authorized by a nation on certain conditions to damage the commerce of the enemy by acts of piracy. 2. A sailor on such a vessel.

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solatium (s[schwa]-lay-shee-[schwa]m), n. [Latin “solace”] Scots law. Compensation; esp., damages allowed for hurt feelings or grief, as distinguished from damages for physical injury.

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plain error

An error that is so obvious and prejudicial that an appellate court should address it despite the parties’ failure to raise a proper objection. • A plain error is often said to be so obvious and substantial that failure to correct it would infringe a party’s due-process rights and damage the integrity of the judicial

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