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shelter, n. 1. A place of refuge providing safety from danger, attack, or observation. homeless shelter. A privately or publicly operated residential facility providing overnight accommodation free of charge to homeless people. • Most homeless shelters accept occupants on a first-come-first-served basis and are open only from early evening to early morning. Those that serve

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consent calendar

consent calendar. 1. Family law. A schedule of informal hearings involving a child, usu. arranged when it appears that the child’s best interests will be served if the case is heard informally. • The child and all interested parties must first consent before the case goes on the consent calendar. [Cases: Infants 203. C.J.S. Infants

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decurio (di-kyoor-ee-oh), n. [Latin “a decurion”] Roman law. A municipal senator belonging to a municipal council responsible for managing the internal affairs of the municipality.

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in jure

in jure (in joor-ee). [Latin “in law”] 1. According to the law. 2. Roman law. Before the praetor or other magistrate. • In jure referred to the first stage of a Roman formulary trial, held before the praetor or other judicial magistrate for the purpose of establishing the legal issues and their competence. Evidence was

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boteless (boht-l[schwa]s), adj. 1. Hist. Of or relating to an offense that cannot be expiated or otherwise remedied by the payment of a fine, the offender being required to suffer loss of liberty or life. • Boteless offenses appeared in Anglo-Saxon Britain about A.D. 700. They appear to have involved treason or violence against the

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