Search Results for: ILL

statute of wills

statute of wills. 1. (cap.) An English statute (enacted in 1540) that established the right of a person to devise real property by will. — Also termed Wills Act. 2. A state statute, usu. derived from the English statute, providing for testamentary disposition and requiring an elaborate set of requirements for valid execution in that

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Miller trust

An irrevocable trust funded with the income of an incompetent beneficiary who seeks to qualify for Medicaid in a state with an income cap. • Funding is strictly limited to the beneficiary’s income (from any source). The assets in the trust are not included in the beneficiary’s estate for Medicaid purposes if the trust assets

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joint will

joint will 共同遗嘱 由两个或两个以上立遗嘱人所作出的一份独立遗嘱,通常涉及将其各自的财产所有权转让与某一受遗赠人,及对共同财产的处分。 (→mutual wills; joint and mutual will; reciprocal wills)

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drilling contract

drilling contract. Oil & gas. A well-drilling agreement between a drilling contractor, who owns drilling rigs and associated equipment, and the owner or lessor of the mineral rights. • The contract spells out the rights and duties of the parties. In general, the more control the interest-owner retains over the contractor, the more liability the

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pure villeinage

pure villeinage (封建法)(英格兰古法)纯粹农奴保有 农奴土地保有方式之一,条件是履行任何被要求去做的役务,即这些役务不仅是低贱的,而且是不确定的,换言之,保有人头天晚上不知道第二天要干什么事情,因为领主可以随时要求他做任何事。 (→villein socage)

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