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defamacast (di-fam-[schwa]-kast). Defamation by television or radio broadcast. • The word was first used in American Broadcasting–Paramount Theatres, Inc. v. Simpson, 126 S.E.2d 873, 879 (Ga. Ct. App. 1962). Although Prosser called it “a barbarous word” (William Prosser, The Law of Torts 753 [4th ed. 1971]), another authority has said that “[t]he word seems to […]

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nonintervention. Int’l law. The principle that a country should not interfere in the internal affairs of another country. • The U.N. Charter binds it from intervening “in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state ….” U.N. Charter art. 2(7). — Also termed principle of nonintervention.

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pinkerton. Slang. A private detective or security guard, usu. one who is armed. • The name comes from the Pinkerton Detective Agency, the first private detective agency in the United States, established in 1852.

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give, vb. 1. To voluntarily transfer (property) to another without compensation (Jack gave his daughter a car on her birthday). 2. To confer by a formal act (the First Amendment gives all citizens the right to free speech). 3. To present for another to consider (the witness gave compelling testimony before the jury). 4. (Of

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