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book entry

book entry. 1. A notation made in an accounting journal. 2. The method of reflecting ownership of publicly traded securities whereby a customer of a brokerage firm receives confirmations of transactions and monthly statements, but not stock certificates. See CENTRAL CLEARING SYSTEM. [Cases: Brokers 23, 26. C.J.S. Brokers §§ 65, 67–69.]

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value n. (1)价值 一个在法律上也具有重要意义的经济学概念,它包括某一特定物品的有用性,以及转让该物品时对其他物品的购买力,前者被称为使用价值〔value in use〕,后者则被称为交换价值〔value in exchange〕。 (2)有用性;重要性;益处 (3)(合同的)充分对价 它通常被用作「充分对价」〔valuable consideration〕的缩略形式,尤其在诸如「已付对价的买主」〔purchaser for value〕或「已付对价的持票人」〔holder for value〕等短语中。当某人从他人处以善意方式取得财产,而该他人并不享有完整的所有权时,认定其是否已支付充分对价具有重要意义。例如,受托人以欺诈手段将信托财产售予某一已支付对价的善意买主〔bona fide purchaser for value〕,亦即该人并无理由相信其买受财产之行为将影响信托,且已为此而支付合理价格,那么,信托受益人〔cestui que trust〕不能提出主张反对该买主。 v.估价;评估;作价

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parent application

The first-filed application in a chain of later-filed continuation or continuation-in-part applications. • An application becomes the parent application when another type of application (such as continuation, divisional, or substitute) is filed. The term “parent” is generally not used to refer to a provisional application. Cf. child application. [Cases: Patents 110. C.J.S. Patents § 156.]

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national credit union administration

National Credit Union Administration. An independent federal agency that charters, insures, supervises, and examines federal credit unions; administers the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund and the Community Development Revolving Loan Fund; and manages the Central Liquidity Facility, a separate mixed-ownership government corporation that supplies emergency loans to member credit unions. • The agency was

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shield law

shield law. 1. A statute that affords journalists the privilege not to reveal confidential sources. See journalist’s privilege under PRIVILEGE(3). [Cases: Witnesses 196. 1. C.J.S. Witnesses § 358.] “More than half of the states have ‘shield laws’ creating ‘reporters’ privileges’ that are sometimes broader than the First Amendment version of that privilege.” David A. Anderson,

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earning capacity

earning capacity. A person’s ability or power to earn money, given the person’s talent, skills, training, and experience. • Earning capacity is one element considered when measuring the damages recoverable in a personal-injury lawsuit. And in family law, earning capacity is considered when awarding child support and spousal maintenance (or alimony) and in dividing property

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sustain, vb. 1. To support or maintain, esp. over a long period (enough oxygen to sustain life). 2. To nourish and encourage; lend strength to (she helped sustain the criminal enterprise). 3. To undergo; suffer (Charles sustained third-degree burns). 4. (Of a court) to uphold or rule in favor of (objection sustained). 5. To substantiate

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