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world. 1. The planet Earth (the world has limited natural resources). 2. All the Earth’s inhabitants; the public generally (the world will benefit from this discovery). 3. All persons who have a claim or acquire an interest in a particular subject matter (a judgment in rem binds all the world).

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Annapolis Convention

Annapolis Convention 〈美〉安纳波利斯会议 尽管英国与其前北美殖民地已签署了和平条约,但仍继续危及美国航运,而北美十三州在对付英国海军一致行动上又有歧见;更糟的是,具有天然优势的州正对其邻近州造成不利,正如詹姆斯·麦迪逊〔James Madison〕描写道,一些「没有便利港口进行对外贸易的州,在通过邻近州进行对外贸易时不得不接受邻近州的征税」。解决这种残酷贸易战的方式就是采取国家行动,但其时的邦联国会〔Confederation Congress〕并无权力。马里兰州〔Maryland〕和弗吉尼亚州〔Virginia〕已就切萨皮克湾〔Chesapeake Bay〕及支流的航运达成一致意见,它们邀请特拉华州〔Delaware〕和宾夕法尼亚州〔Pennsylvania〕也加入这一协定,弗吉尼亚州则进一步建议召集一个包括各州的州际贸易会议,讨论州际共同商业政策。1786年10个州选派代表参加在马里兰州安纳波利斯举行的贸易会议,但由于种种原因在9月份只有五个州的代表实际参加会议,并没有达到法定州数,不过会议仍通过一项建议,由所有州在下一年第二个星期一在费城重新举行一次会议,来解决邦联政府体制的严重缺陷。这次会议本身并无重大意义,但作为以后召开制定宪法的全国会议的前奏,却有着不可否认的作用。

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hilary rules

Hilary Rules. Hist. A collection of English pleading rules designed to ease the strict pleading requirements of the special-pleading system, esp. by limiting the scope of the general issue in the formed actions and by forcing the defendant to set up affirmatively all matters other than a denial of the breach of duty or of

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direct attack

direct attack. 1. An attack on a judgment made in the same proceeding as the one in which the judgment was entered; specif., the taking of proceedings in the action in which a judgment has been rendered to have the judgment vacated or reversed or modified by appropriate proceedings in either the trial court or

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