Search Results for: ERA


pontifex (pon-ti-feks), n. Roman law. A member of the college of pontiffs, one of several groups of priests, who had control of religion in Rome. — Also termed pontiff. Pl. pontifices (pon-tif-i-seez).

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charitable trust

A trust created to benefit a specific charity, specific charities, or the general public rather than a private individual or entity. • Charitable trusts are often eligible for favorable tax treatment. — Also termed public trust; charitable use. See charitable deduction under DEDUCTION; CY PRES. Cf. private trust. [Cases: Charities 1; Internal Revenue 4048; Taxation

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wipo copyright treaty

WIPO Copyright Treaty. A 1996 treaty that made changes in the Berne Convention in light of the TRIPs Agreement and dealt with new copyright issues raised by the emergence of the Internet and other digital tech-nology. • The WIPO Treaty expressly protects computer software and databases and expressly excludes from protection “ideas, procedures, methods of

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首席运营官,运营总监 英语:Chief Operating Officer (COO) 法语:directeur de l’exploitation 德语:Hauptbetriebsleiter 意大利语:direttore generale (gestione) 西班牙语:director (gerente) de producción/operaciones

首席运营官,运营总监 Read More »

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