Search Results for: CONVENTIO

universal copyright convention

Universal Copyright Convention. A 1952 treaty binding signatories to give citizens of other member nations the same copyright protection that their own citizens receive. 25 U.S.T. 1341, T.I.A.S. No. 7868. • Administered by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, the Convention does not apply between nations that are also signatories of the Berne […]

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European Establishment Convention

European Establishment Convention 《欧洲居留公约》 这是欧洲理事会〔Council of Europe〕的多数成员国于1955年缔结的一个多边条约,内容主要包括成员国国民进入或迁至另一成员国领土、或在另一成员国领土上居留时所享有的公民权利,以及对其提供的法律和行政保护、其经济活动等事项。

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conventionalism. A jurisprudential conception of legal practice and tradition holding that law is a matter of respecting and enforcing legal and social rules. “Conventionalism makes two postinterpretive, directive claims. The first is positive: that judges must respect the established legal conventions of their community except in rare circumstances. It insists, in other words, that they

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Geneva Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources of the High Seas

Geneva Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources of the High Seas 《公海捕鱼与生物资源养护日内瓦公约》 1958年在日内瓦举行的第一次海洋法会议上签订,1966年3月20日生效。该公约允许沿海各国在毗连其邻水的公海设置保护区。设置保护区的目的是保护沿海各国的自然资源和渔业活动,以防止沿海各国设置实际上倾向于保护其本国国民、阻止外国人捕鱼的非科学的资源保护制度所造成的过度捕捞。

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warsaw convention

Warsaw Convention. Int’l law. A treaty (to which the United States is a party) negotiated in Warsaw, Poland, in 1929, consisting of uniform rules governing claims made for personal injuries arising out of international air travel. Cf. MONTREAL AGREEMENT. [Cases: Carriers 307; Treaties 8. C.J.S. Aeronautics and Aerospace §§ 265, 267; Carriers § 573; Treaties

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brussels satellite convention

Brussels Satellite Convention. Copyright. A 1974 treaty standardizing the regulation of broadcasting and cable retransmission using satellites. • Since the Convention addresses regulation of the signal rather than copyright or neighboring rights, what is transmitted is protected even if the content is not protected by any intellectual-property right. The U.S. ratified the Brussels Satellite Convention

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