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Board of Green Cloth

Board of Green Cloth 〈英〉宫廷财务委员会 隶属于内务部〔Household’s Department〕王室内务总管〔Lord Steward〕,由王室总管、财政大臣〔Treasurer〕、王室审计官〔Comptroller〕及王室内务主事〔Master of the Royal Household〕组成,负责审查王室开支的账目并予以支付,支付王室仆从的工资,管理王室内务和王室仆从。在早期,它还负有维持王室12英里辖区内治安、为王室提供给养、主持王室12英里辖区内法庭等职责。其名称来源于以前委员会就坐之桌上的绿色台布。该机构现好像已消失。

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agree, vb. 1. To unite in thought; to concur in opinion or purpose. 2. To exchange promises; to unite in an en-gagement to do or not do something. 3. Parliamentary law. To adopt (usu. in the phrase agree to). See ADOP-TION(5).

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marital agreement

marital agreement. An agreement between spouses or two people engaged to be married concerning the division and ownership of marital property during marriage or upon dissolution by death or divorce; esp. a premarital contract or separation agreement primarily concerned with dividing marital property in the event of divorce. — Also termed marriage settlement; property settlement.

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hot cargo agreement

hot-cargo agreement. Labor law. A voluntary agreement between a union and a neutral employer by which the latter agrees to exert pressure on another employer with whom the union has a dispute, as by ceasing or refraining from handling, using, selling, transporting, or otherwise dealing in any of the products of an employer that the

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