Search Results for: GREE

age of capacity

The age, usu. defined by statute as 18 years, at which a person is legally capable of agreeing to a contract, maintaining a lawsuit, or the like. • A person may be authorized to make certain critical personal deci-sions at an earlier age than the general age of capacity, such as the decision whether to […]

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shuttle diplomacy

Diplomatic negotiations assisted by emissaries, who travel back and forth between negotiating countries. • In legal contexts, the term usu. refers to a similar approach used by a mediator in negotiating the settlement of a lawsuit. The mediator travels back and forth between different rooms, one of which is assigned to each side’s decision-makers and

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sed per curiam

sed per curiam (sed p[schwa]r kyoor-ee-[schwa]m). [Latin] But by the court. • This phrase is used to introduce: (1) a statement made by the court disagreeing with counsel’s arguments; or (2) the opinion of the whole court when different from the opinion of the single judge immediately before quoted.

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signatory (sig-n[schwa]-tor-ee), n. A party that signs a document, personally or through an agent, and thereby becomes a party to an agreement (eight countries are signatories to the treaty). — signatory, adj.

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surrender of charter

surrender of charter. Corporations. The dissolution of a corporation by a formal yielding of its charter to the state under which it was created and the subsequent acceptance of that charter by the state. [Cases: Corporations 610(1). C.J.S. Corporations §§ 835–837.] “The surrender of a charter can be made only by some formal, solemn act

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anatocism ([schwa]-nat-[schwa]-siz-[schwa]m), n. [fr. Greek anatokismos “to lend on interest again”] Rare. 1. Compound interest. See compound interest under INTEREST(3). 2. The practice of compounding interest.

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