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bonus. 1. A premium paid in addition to what is due or expected (year-end bonus). • In the employment context, workers’ bonuses are not a gift or gratuity; they are paid for services or on consideration in addition to or in excess of the compensation that would ordinarily be given. 2. BOUNTY(3). 3. Oil &

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Batson challenge

Procedure. An objection that an opposing party has used a peremptory challenge to exclude a potential juror on the basis of race, ethnicity, or sex. • It is named for Batson v. Kentucky, 476 U.S. 79, 106 S.Ct. 1712 (1986), a criminal case in which the prosecution struck potential jurors on the basis of race.

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et seq

et seq. (et sek).abbr. [Latin et sequens “and the following one,” et sequentes (masc.) “and the following ones,” or et sequentia (neuter) “and the following ones”] And those (pages or sections) that follow (11 USCA §§ 101 et seq.).

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ante litem motam

ante litem motam (an-tee lI-tem moh-t[schwa]m). [Law Latin “before the lawsuit was started”] Hist. Before an action has been raised; before a legal dispute arose — i.e., at a time when the declarant had no motive to lie. • This phrase was generally used in reference to the evidentiary requirement that the acts upon which

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hypothetical person defense

hypothetical-person defense. An entrapment defense in which the defendant asserts that an undercover law-enforcement officer (or person acting at the law-enforcement officer’s direction) encouraged the defendant to engage in the criminal conduct either by making false representations designed to convince the defendant that the conduct was not prohibited, or by using persuasive methods that created

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