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substitute application

A duplicate application filed after the response period for a first office action has expired and the first application has been deemed abandoned. • A substitute application carries some danger for the applicant: the original filing date is lost, and any developments since that date become prior art that the examiner must consider before granting […]

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per collationem bonorum

per collationem bonorum (p[schwa]r k[schwa]-lay-shee-oh-n[schwa]m b[ schwa]-nor-[schwa]m). [Latin] Scots law. By bringing goods received into account (collation). • When heirs-at-law, or heirs who had received from a deceased ancestor during the ancestor’s lifetime, wished to share in the legitim fund, they had to bring in (to collate) what they had received before the legitim could

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warrandice (wahr-[schwa]n-dis or -dIs).Scots law. An obligation to indemnify the grantee or buyer of land if another person establishes a superior title and takes possession. personal warrandice. An obligation to indemnify that binds the grantor and the grantor’s heirs. real warrandice. An obligation by which certain lands are made over as security for lands conveyed

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consortium (k[schwa]n-sor-shee-[schwa]m). 1. The benefits that one person, esp. a spouse, is entitled to receive from another, including companionship, cooperation, affection, aid, financial support, and (between spouses) sexual relations (a claim for loss of consortium). See LOSS OF CONSORTIUM; CONJUGAL RIGHTS . filial consortium (fil-ee-[schwa]l). A child’s society, affection, and companionship given to a parent.

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berlin act

Berlin Act. Copyright. A 1908 revision of the Berne Convention prohibiting formalities as a requirement for copyright protection, recommending (but not requiring) a term of protection equal to the life of the author plus 50 years, and expanding the types of works eligible for copyright protection. • Motion pictures were included in copyright protection for

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outer space

outer space. 1. The known and unknown areas of the universe beyond airspace. • The boundary between airspace and outer space is not fixed or precise. Cf. AIRSPACE. 2. Int’l law. The space surrounding the planet that by United Nations treaty is not subject to claim of appropriation by any national sovereignty. • The treaty

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enitia pars

enitia pars ([schwa]-nish-ee-[schwa] pahrz). [Latin] The share of the eldest. • In English law, this describes the lot or share chosen by the eldest of coparceners when they make a voluntary partition. The first choice (primer election) belongs to the eldest.

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admiralty n. (1)海军大臣或舰队司令的职位或权力(→admiral; Lord High Admiral) (2)〔A-〕(1963年前的)英国海军部 (3)〔A-〕 〈英〉(旧时任英国舰队司令的)海军事务大臣〔Lord High Admiral〕;(18世纪末行使其职权的)海军委员 这些委员系海军部委员会成员〔Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty〕,包括一位首长〔First Lord〕(即海军大臣〔First Lord of the Admiralty〕,总是由上议院或下议院的议员充任,为内阁成员)、四位海军军务大臣〔Sea Lords〕和一位文职军务大臣〔Civil Lord〕。这六名委员与一名政务次官〔Parliamentary Secretary〕组成海军委员会〔Board of Admiralty〕,掌管英国的海军和海军陆战队。该委员会现已并入英国国防部。 (4)海事法院(→admiralty court)。 (5)〔the A-〕〈英〉海事法院;海事法庭 对前高等海事法院〔High Court of Admiralty〕、高等法院遗嘱检验、离婚与海事分庭〔Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty Division〕及现高等法院海事法庭〔Admiralty Court〕的简称。 (6)海商法;海事法 海事法院审理海上民事纠纷与刑事犯罪案件所适用的法律。 (=admiralty law; maritime law)

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estate on condition

An estate that vests, is modified, or is defeated upon the occurrence or nonoccurrence of some specified event. • While an estate on limitation can revert without any action by the grantor or the grantor’s heirs, an estate on condition requires the entry of the grantor or the grantor’s heirs to end the estate whenever

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