Search Results for: ENJOY


feriae (feer-ee-I), n. pl.[Latin] Roman law. Religious and public holidays on which Romans suspended politics and lawsuits, and on which slaves enjoyed a partial break from labor.

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Statute of Uses

Hist. An English statute of 1535 that converted the equitable title held by a cestui que use (i.e., a beneficiary) to a legal one in order to make the cestui que use liable for feudal dues, as only a legal owner (the feoffee to uses) could be. • This statute was the culmination of a

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permissive use

Hist. A passive use resorted to before passage of the Statute of Uses in 1535 to avoid an oppressive feudal law (such as mortmain) by naming one person as the legal owner of property while allowing another to possess the property and enjoy the benefits arising from it.

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covenant of warranty

A covenant by which the grantor agrees to defend the grantee against any lawful or rea-sonable claims of superior title by a third party and to indemnify the grantee for any loss sustained by the claim. • This covenant is sometimes treated as being synonymous with covenant for quiet enjoyment. The covenant is not breached

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praeceptio haereditatis

praeceptio haereditatis (pri-sep-shee-oh h[schwa]-red-i-tay-tis). [Law Latin] Scots law. A taking of the inheritance in advance. — Also termed lucrative succession. “Praeceptio haereditatis …. This is one of the passive titles known in law, which, if incurred by the heir, renders him in some measure liable for his ancestor’s debts. It was introduced to prevent an

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amenity. [fr. Latin amoenitas “pleasantness”] Something tangible or intangible that increases the enjoyment of real property, such as location, view, landscaping, security, or access to recreational facilities.

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