Search Results for: NTIA

administrative proceeding

administrative proceeding. A hearing, inquiry, investigation, or trial before an administrative agency, usu. ad-judicatory in nature but sometimes quasi-legislative. — Also termed evidentiary hearing; full hearing; trial-type hearing; agency adjudication. [Cases: Administrative Law and Procedure 309, 341–513. C.J.S. Public Administrative Law and Procedure §§ 71, 76–171.]

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serious misdemeanor

One of a class of misdemeanors having more severe penalties than most other misdemeanors. • Conduct rising to the level of a serious misdemeanor can, in some jurisdictions, be charged as either a felony or a misdemeanor. — Also termed high misdemeanor; indictable misdemeanor; penitentiary misdemeanor; aggravated misdemeanor.

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defective, adj. 1. (Of a position, right, act, or process) lacking in legal sufficiency (defective execution of documents) (defective service of process). 2. (Of a product) containing an imperfection or shortcoming in a part essential to the product’s safe operation (defective wiring caused the accident). [Cases: Products Liability 8. C.J.S. Products Liability §§ 11–15.]

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