Search Results for: PLEA

apex juris

apex juris (ay-peks joor-is). [Latin “summit of law”] An extreme point or subtlety of law, such as a merely technical objection in pleading or an extreme interpretation of a doctrine. Cf. APICES LITIGANDI.

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not guilty

not guilty 无罪 1刑事被告人认为自己无罪时所作的答辩。被告如不作答辩,法院亦认为其作了无罪的答辩。2陪审团认为证据不足以确定被告人有罪时所作「无罪裁断」〔verdict of not guilty〕的用语。 (→plea of not guilty;verdict of not guilty)

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quominus (kwoh-m[schwa]-n[schwa]s or kwoh-mI-n[schwa]s). [Latin quo minus “by which the less”] Hist. A 14th-century Exchequer writ alleging that the plaintiff had lent the defendant a sum of money and that the plaintiff was unable to repay a debt of similar amount to the Crown because of the debt to the defendant. • In effect, the

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arrest of judgment

The staying of a judgment after its entry; esp., a court’s refusal to render or enforce a judgment because of a defect apparent from the record. • At common law, courts have the power to arrest judgment for intrinsic causes appearing on the record, as when the verdict differs materially from the pleadings or when

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cognizance (kog-ni-z[schwa]ns), n. 1. A court’s right and power to try and to determine cases; JURISDICTION. [Cases: Courts 2. C.J.S. Courts § 16–17.] 2. The taking of judicial or authoritative notice. [Cases: Evidence 1. C.J.S. Evidence §§ 8–11, 106.] 3. Acknowledgment or admission of an alleged fact; esp. (hist.), acknowledgment of a fine. See FINE(1);

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