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secured transaction

secured transaction. A business arrangement by which a buyer or borrower gives collateral to the seller or lender to guarantee payment of an obligation. • Article 9 of the UCC deals with secured transactions. See SECURITY AGREEMENT . [Cases: Secured Transactions 1. C.J.S. Secured Transactions §§ 3, 7–9, 23, 37.]

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financial contract

Securities. An arrangement that (1) takes the form of an individually negotiated contract, agreement, or option to buy, sell, lend, swap, or repurchase, or other similar individually negotiated transaction commonly entered into by participants in the financial markets; (2) involves securities, commodities, currencies, interest or other rates, other measures of value, or any other financial

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protecting power

protecting power. Int’l law. A country responsible for protecting another country’s citizens and interests during a conflict or a suspension of diplomatic ties between the citizens’ country and a third party. • After a protecting power is accepted by both belligerents, it works to ensure the proper treatment of nationals who are in a belligerent’s

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Declaration of Paris

An international agreement, signed by Great Britain, France, Turkey, Sardinia, Austria, Prussia, and Russia in 1856 (at the end of the Crimean War), providing that (1) privateering is illegal, (2) with the exception of contraband, a neutral flag covers an enemy’s goods, (3) with the exception of contraband, neutral goods cannot be confiscated under a

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kinship n. 家族关系;血亲关系;亲属关系 指通过婚姻和出生而形成的一种社会关系。在原始部落和古代社会中,家族是社会经济生活的基本单位。现代工业社会中,家族关系也是重要的社会政治关系。西欧国家虽然认为家庭和婚姻形式受到基督教〔Christianity〕的强烈影响,但家族关系从法律角度看仍然是家族、婚姻、子女、财产、继承等多方面法律规定的基础。人类学的研究表明,世界各地存在着各种不同的家族关系,西方社会确认的一夫一妻制〔monogamy〕、嫡子继承标准〔criteria of legitimacy〕和家长权的继承〔patriarchal succession〕等都并非是普遍性和必然性的权利,而只为世界特定的地区所接受。在法律上,家族关系是根据同源祖先的子孙来确定的。亲等〔degree of kinship〕在许多情况下具有重要意义。在罗马法中,亲等计算是从己身向上数到同源祖先再由同源祖先向下数到与己身计算亲等者,合计出世代数定为亲等。教会法〔canon law〕则根据己身到同源祖先或同源祖先至被计算者的世代数来定亲等。故根据罗马法,堂表兄弟姐妹之间是四等亲而在教会法中则是二等亲。该词亦写作「kindred」。

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workout, n. 1. The act of restructuring or refinancing overdue loans. 2. Bankruptcy. A debtor’s agreement, usu. negotiated with a creditor or creditors out of court, to reduce or discharge the debt. — work out, vb.

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compound (kom- or k[schwa]m-pownd), vb. 1. To put together, combine, or construct. 2. To compute (interest) on the principal and the accrued interest. 3. To settle (a matter, esp. a debt) by a money payment, in lieu of other liability; to adjust by agreement. 4. To agree for consideration not to prosecute (a crime). •

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respite (res-pit), n. 1. A period of temporary delay; an extension of time. 2. A temporary suspension of a death sentence; a reprieve. [Cases: Sentencing and Punishment 1798. C.J.S. Criminal Law §§ 1547–1548, 1687.] 3. A delay granted to a jury or court for further consideration of a verdict or appeal. 4. Civil law. An

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