Search Results for: PLEA

hilary rules

Hilary Rules. Hist. A collection of English pleading rules designed to ease the strict pleading requirements of the special-pleading system, esp. by limiting the scope of the general issue in the formed actions and by forcing the defendant to set up affirmatively all matters other than a denial of the breach of duty or of

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impertinent matter

impertinent matter. Procedure. In pleading, matter that is not relevant to the action or defense. • A federal court may strike any impertinent matter from a pleading. Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(f). Cf. SCANDALOUS MATTER. [Cases: Federal Civil Procedure 1127; Pleading 364(4). C.J.S. Pleading § 683.] “The court will not strike out the matter unless

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palace court

Palace Court. Hist. A court having jurisdiction over all personal actions arising within 12 miles of Whitehall. • This court was created by James I in response to complaints about the inconvenience of using the itinerant Court of the Marshalsea; its jurisdiction was similar, but the court remained in Whitehall. It was abolished along with

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constat (kon-stat), n. [Latin “it is settled”] Hist. A certificate made by the Clerk of the Pipe and the auditors of the Exchequer at the request of a person intending to plead in the Court of Exchequer for the discharge of some item. • The constat certified what appeared on record.

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