Search Results for: IMPROVEMENT

concession bargaining

concession bargaining. Labor law. A type of collective bargaining in which the parties negotiate the employees’ giving back previously gained improvements in wages, benefits, or working conditions in exchange for some form of job security, such as protection against layoffs. — Also termed employee givebacks; union givebacks. See COLLECTIVE BARGAINING.

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betterment act

betterment act. A statute requiring a landowner to compensate an occupant who improves the land under a mistaken belief that the occupant is the real owner. • The compensation usu. equals the increase in the land’s value generated by the improvements. — Also termed occupying-claimant act; occupant statute. [Cases: Improvements 4. C.J.S. Improvements § 5.]

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no-bonus clause

no-bonus clause 〈美〉额外利益不予补偿条款;无额外补偿金条款 不动产租赁合同中的一项条款,并于政府征用〔condemnation〕租赁物时生效。其内容是:当征用发生时,承租人只能索回其对租赁财产所作的实际改进〔improvement〕部分的价值,而无权就其租地权益〔leasehold interest〕的损失要求补偿,即不得要求补偿租赁合同规定的租金与市场租金的差额。

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institute, n. 1. A legal treatise or commentary, such as Coke’s Institutes in four volumes (published in 1628). 2. (cap. & pl.) An elementary treatise on Roman law in four books. • This treatise is one of the four component parts of the Corpus Juris Civilis. — Also termed Institutes of Justinian; Justinian’s Institutes. See

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reporter of decisions

reporter of decisions. The person responsible for publishing a court’s opinions. • The position began historically — in the years before systematic reporting of decisions was introduced — when lawyers attended the sessions of particular courts, were accredited to them by the judges, and reported the decisions of that court. Today, the reporter of decisions

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