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base fee

A fee that has some qualification connected to it and that terminates whenever the qualification terminates. • An example of the words creating a base fee are “to A and his heirs, tenants of the manor of Tinsleydale,” which would terminate when A or his heirs are no longer tenants of the manor of Tinsleydale.

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two round voting

A system in which the voting occurs in two rounds, with the first round determining the candidate’s eligibility for the second round. • The second round may be a runoff between the top two candidates from the first round, an election by plurality among candidates who won their political parties’ nominations in the first round,

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innocent passage

innocent passage. Int’l law. The right of a foreign ship to pass through a country’s territorial waters; the right of a foreign vessel to travel through a country’s maritime belt without paying a toll. • The right of innocent passage is guaranteed in Article 17 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the

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parol demurrer

parol demurrer 口头法律抗辩;当事人欠缺行为能力的抗辩 旧时普通法上,在未成年继承人〔infant heirs〕长辈的债权人对该未成年继承人提起的债务诉讼中,任一方当事人都有权请求中止诉讼,留待该继承人成年之后再作处理。这里demurrer的意思是停止或暂停,而parol则指诉状或诉答〔pleadings〕,因其最初是以口头形式进行的,所以以此称之。

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words of limitation

Language in a conveying instrument — often nonliteral language — describing the extent or quality of an estate. • For example, under long-standing principles of property law, the phrase “to A and her heirs” creates a fee simple in A but gives nothing to A’s heirs. See LIMITATION(4). [Cases: Deeds 120–136; Wills 591, 597(4).C.J.S. Deeds

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