Search Results for: NTIA

sex discrimination

Discrimination based on gender, esp. against women. • The Supreme Court has established an intermediate-scrutiny standard of review for gender-based classifications, which must serve an important governmental interest and be substantially related to the achievement of that objective. Craig v. Boren, 429 U.S. 190, 97 S.Ct. 451 (1976). — Also termed gender discrimination. [Cases: Civil

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immaterial, adj. (Of evidence) tending to prove some fact that is not properly at issue; lacking any logical connection with the consequential facts. Cf. IRRELEVANT. [Cases: Evidence 143. C.J.S. Evidence §§ 197, 201–204.] — immateriality, n. “The rules of substantive law and of pleading are what determine immateriality; and if the probandum is immaterial, of

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top hat pension plan

An unfunded pension plan that is maintained by an employer primarily for the purpose of providing deferred compensation for a select group of managers or highly paid employees. • Top-hat plans are generally not subject to the broad remedial provisions of ERISA because Congress recognized that certain individuals, by virtue of position or compensation level,

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killer bees

killer bees 〈美〉(俚)杀人蜂 1979年5月,在州举行的总统预选〔Presidential Primary〕中为阻止一项有利于州保守的民主党的议案获得通过,增加共和党总统候选人约翰·B.康纳利〔John B. Connally〕的当选机会,得克萨斯州〔Texas State〕12名参议员逃离该州,使其立法机构达不到法定人数,因其离开时佩有蜂形胸针而得名。

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