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employee retirement income security act

Employee Retirement Income Security Act. A federal statute that regulates private pension plans and employee benefit plans and that established the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.29 USCA §§ 1001 et seq. — Abbr. ERISA. [Cases: Pensions 21–23. C.J.S. Insurance § 34; Pensions and Retirement Plans and Benefits §§ 7–10.] “ERISA was adopted in 1974 in response […]

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lex valeria horatia

lex Valeria Horatia (leks v[schwa]-leer-ee-[schwa] h[schwa]-ray-shee-[ schwa]). [Latin] Roman law. A law making enactments by the assembly of the people in tribes binding on all citizens. • Several laws of this name were passed in 449 B.C.One was aimed at strengthening the force of plebiscita. Another protected plebeian tribunes with sacrosanctity. A third, more dubious,

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right n. (1)权利 权利被认为是与法律相一致的为某一行为或占有某物的自由,或者更严格地说,如果侵犯这种为某一行为或占有某物的自由,则将受法律制裁。在最一般的意义上,权利既包括以某种方式作为或不作为的自由(为法律所保护者),也包括迫使特定的人为或不为某一特定行为的权力(为法律所强制者)。法定权利〔legal right〕是指「经国家同意并受国家支持的而属于某人的对他人行为进行控制的能力」。任何权利都涉及以下要素:被授予权利的人(权利主体)、负担相应义务或责任的人(义务主体)、作为或不作为(权利客体)、在某些情况下包括标的(即权利所指向的人或物,如在所有权中)。它可分为抽像含义和具体含义。在抽象含义上,指正义或道德正当性,即与法律规则或道德原则相符者,其含义与拉丁文中的「jus」相合;在具体含义上,则指前述之定义,再细述之,则如:1由宪法、制定法或判例法所保障的或由于习惯而被主张的一种权力、特权或豁免权;2对财产标的的所有权或利益,包括占有、使用、收益或处分(如转让或赠与);3要求他人作为或不作为某一特定行为的合法的、强制性的请求权;4在自己被剥夺或失去占有时,有从他人处得以恢复之权,此时,该权利带有「请求权」之力。依据不同的标准可对权利作如下分类:1根据其最终目的,可把权利分为主要的(实体的、原始的)权利或附从的(从属的、制裁的)权利。主权利〔primary rights〕是指不依靠现存权利而产生的权利,例如甲与我签订合同,甲应支付给我50英镑,我获取该项支付的权利即为主权利。主权利又分为两种:作为社会成员都可得到的权利和非因社会成员身份而是基于特定关系所生之权利。前者包括人身(绝对)权——如生命权、健康权、自由权——和公共权——即由社会成员对国家财产或受制于公共使用的私人财产所享有的权利,如对海洋、适航流域、公路、公园的权利;后者则包括基于所有权关系、合同关系、婚姻关系或其他类似关系而产生的权利。从权利〔secondary rights〕则是为保护或强制实施主权利而产生的权利,也可分为两种:禁止性(或保护性)的从权利〔preventive or protective secondary rights〕和救济性(或补偿性)的从权利〔remedial or reparative secondary rights〕。前者的目的是为了防止对主权利的侵害或致主权利受损,它既可以请求法院帮助而由强制执行得以实现,也可由当事人自己实施从而以非司法方式得以实现;后者也可采司法方式和非司法方式,并可细分为恢复原状权〔rights of restitution or restoration〕、强制执行权〔rights of enforcement〕、清偿权或赔偿权〔rights of satisfaction or compensation〕。2根据因其负担的义务的本质,权利可分为对物的权利〔right in rem〕和对人的权利〔right in personam〕,前者又被称为对物权〔real rights〕、一般权〔general rights〕或对世权〔rights against the whole world〕,相当于拉丁文「jura in rem」,是指对一般人附设义务的权利,其义务主体既可以是世上的任何人,也可以是世上除特定某些人以外的任何人,对物权总是一种消极性〔negative〕权利。后者又被称为对人权〔personal rights〕、相对权〔relative rights〕、针对特定人的权利〔rights against determinate persons〕,相当于拉丁文「jura in personam」,是指对限定的人附设义务的权利。例如,甲同意支付给我50英镑,我获取该项支付的权利是对人权,并属于主权利;而我的行为自由权,只要未侵犯他人权利,则是对物权,如果乙以拘禁或殴打方式侵犯我的自由权,则我对其享有赔偿请求权,该项赔偿请求权利属对人权,并属于从权利。对人的主权利根据其被要求的是作为还是不作为可以是肯定的(或积极性的)或消极性的,故若甲与乙缔结合同,同意不在某地从事业务,则乙对甲享有消极性权利。对人的主权利可分为:绝对的和相对的、普通法的和衡平法的、人身性的和可转让的、完全的和不完全的。3根据对财产标的所有关系,可将权利分为绝对权和限定物权〔absolute and qualified〕。前者在任何时候和任何目的均赋予主体对物的绝对支配;后者则指为特定目的或在特定情况下由物的占有人享有权利,例如受托人〔bailee〕在受托物被他人非法取占的情况下享有回复受托物的权利。4权利还可分为普通法权利和衡平法权利〔legal or equitable〕。前者发生在某人享有普通法上的所有权和救济权〔legal title and remedy at law〕的情况下,后者则指只在衡平法上才可被执行的权利。但在程序上,根据美国《联邦民事诉讼规则》〔Rules of Civil

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soldiers’ and sailors’ civil relief act

Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act. A federal law, originally enacted in 1940, protecting the civil rights of persons in military service, as by modifying their civil liability, placing limits on interest rates charged against their obligations, and prescribing specific procedures for claims made against them. 50 USCA app.§§ 501 et seq. [Cases: Armed Services

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criminal anarchy

A doctrine advocating the overthrow of organized government by force or violence, by assas-sinating a head of government, or by some other unlawful act. • Most states have laws limiting speech that incites criminal anarchy. The laws do not apply to abstract philosophical expressions or predictions or like expressions protected by the First and Fourteenth

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fideicommissum (fI-dee-I-k[schwa]-mis-[schwa]m). [Latin]. 1. Roman law. A direction to an heir asking the heir as a matter of good faith to give some part of the inheritance, such as a particular object, or all the inheritance, to a third party. • A fideicommissum was a device to overcome some of the technicalities of the Roman

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