Search Results for: IRS


tide. The rising and falling of seawater that is produced by the attraction of the sun and moon, uninfluenced by special winds, seasons, or other circumstances that create meteorological and atmospheric meteorological tides; the ebb and flow of the sea. • Tides are used to measure a shore’s upland boundary. mean high tide. The average […]

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ninety day letter

ninety-day letter. Statutory notice of a tax deficiency sent by the IRS to a taxpayer. • During the 90 days after receiving the notice, the taxpayer must pay the taxes (and, if desired, seek a refund) or challenge the deficiency in tax court. IRC (26 USCA) §§ 6212, 6213. — Also written 90-day letter. —

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detrimental reliance

Reliance by one party on the acts or representations of another, causing a worsening of the first party’s position. • Detrimental reliance may serve as a substitute for consideration and thus make a promise enforceable as a contract. See promissory estoppel under ESTOPPEL. [Cases: Estoppel 55, 85, 87. C.J.S. Estoppel §§ 85–86, 90, 92–93.]

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double voucher

double voucher. In a common-recovery suit, a voucher first by the fictitious tenant to the real tenant, and then by the real tenant to the common vouchee. See COMMON RECOVERY. “The recovery, here described, is with a single voucher only; but sometimes it is with double… or farther voucher, as the exigency of the case

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quia timet

quia timet (kwI-[schwa] tI-m[schwa]t orkwee-[schwa] tim-et). [Latin “because he fears”] A legal doctrine that allows a person to seek equitable relief from future probable harm to a specific right or interest. [Cases: Equity 17. C.J.S. Equity § 55.] “A second class of cases where equity courts act to prevent injury are known as ‘quia timet’

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creditors’ meeting

Bankruptcy. The first meeting of a debtor’s creditors and equity security holders, presided over by the U.S. Trustee and at which a bankruptcy trustee may be elected and the debtor may be examined under oath. 11 USCA § 341. — Also termed meeting of creditors; 341 meeting. [Cases: Bankruptcy 3024. C.J.S. Bankruptcy §§ 193, 373.]

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