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joint work

A work created or developed by two or more people whose contributions blend inseparably or interdependently into the whole work. • The cocreators have equal legal rights to register and enjoy the copyright, but this does not affect any other contractually unequal ownership arrangements. [Cases: Copyrights and Intellectual Property 41(3).]

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jointure (joyn-ch[schwa]r). 1. Archaic. A woman’s freehold life estate in land, made in consideration of marriage in lieu of dower and to be enjoyed by her only after her husband’s death; a settlement under which a wife receives such an estate. • The four essential elements are that (1) the jointure must take effect immediately

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cybertheft. The act of using an online computer service, such as one on the Internet, to steal someone else’s property or to interfere with someone else’s use and enjoyment of property. • Examples of cybertheft are hacking into a bank’s computer records to wrongfully credit one account and debit another, and interfering with a copyright

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conservator (k[schwa]n-s[schwa]r-v[schwa]-t[schwa]r orkon-s[schwa]r-vay-t[schwa]r), n. A guardian, protector, or preserver. • Conservator is the modern equivalent of the common-law guardian. Judicial appointment and supervision are still required, but a conservator has far more flexible authority than a guardian, including the same investment powers that a trustee enjoys. The Uniform Probate Code uses the term conservator, and

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jus rerum

jus rerum (j[schwa]s reer-[schwa]m), n. [Latin “law of things”] Civil law. The law regulating the rights and powers of persons over things, as how property is acquired, enjoyed, and transferred. See LAW OF THINGS. Cf. JUS PERSONARUM.

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invasion. 1. A hostile or forcible encroachment on the rights of another. intentional invasion. A hostile or forcible encroachment on another’s interest in the use or enjoyment of property, esp. real property, though not necessarily inspired by malice or ill will. 2. The incursion of an army for conquest or plunder. 3. Trusts. A withdrawal

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instrument. 1. A written legal document that defines rights, duties, entitlements, or liabilities, such as a contract, will, promissory note, or share certificate. “An ‘instrument’ seems to embrace contracts, deeds, statutes, wills, Orders in Council, orders, warrants, schemes, letters patent, rules, regulations, bye-laws, whether in writing or in print, or partly in both; in fact,

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